Declaring a Climate Emergency

In partnership with Tourism Declares and the tourism industry, Inspired Adventures declares a climate emergency and commits to cutting global emissions in half by 2030.

It’s a big ask, but as a proud B Corp, we’ll do everything we can to make it a reality. And here’s how...


1. Climate Action Plan

We’ve developed a Climate Action Plan that states how we’ll reduce our carbon footprint over the next decade.

Employee Engagement

2. Sharing

We’ll share our Climate Action Plan and update you on our progress each year (so don’t forget to join the mailing list).


3. Make the commitment

We’re renewing our commitment to prevent global warming as a result of carbon emissions in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommendations 1.


4. Support and encourage

We’ll continue to encourage and support our suppliers and partners to declare a climate emergency and actively participate in the Tourism Declares movement.

Increase brand awareness

5. Be an advocate

We’ll use our unique and privileged platform to advocate for change, recognising the need for systemic, industry-wide improvement to accelerate transition towards carbon-free tourism, including zero carbon air travel.

1. Cut global carbon emissions to 55 per cent below 2017 levels by 2030 in order to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming.

The decisions we make as a business – and individuals – have real and lasting impact on the world. We have a responsibility to promote positive change and preserve the planet for future generations.

Beyond COVID, anything is possible

COVID-19 presented challenges no one could have foreseen – a vast difference to the decades of warning we’ve received about the devastating impact of carbon emissions. 

But now, with international borders closed for the foreseeable future and planes asleep in deserts, it’s time to stop, take stock and reconnect with our purpose with more vigor and determination than ever before.  

As a business operating in an industry responsible for high carbon emissions and significant environmental impact, we’re taking a stand.

Our Climate Action Plan

We welcome your thoughts and feedback. If you have something to share, email us at and we’ll be in touch soon.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date on our commitment to reduce carbon emissions. You'll also receive inspiring adventure stories, travel tips and useful musings about the road ahead.

We’re a certified B Corp, committed to using business as a force for good.