3 ways to be more mindful and present every day

3 ways to be more mindful and present every day 14 December 2020 Sometimes, especially when times are tough, it can be very easy to lose sight of the present. If you’re dwelling on past troubles or worrying about uncertainty in the future, you’re at risk of forgetting to live in the moment and before…

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jane eyre book

Inspired Adventures Reading Guide: Strong Female Protagonist 23 October 2020 Need a little inspiration of women kicking butt and taking names? Struggling to find your willpower and inner drive to keep training and working towards the adventure that from the outlook appears inconceivable? Our reading guide this week is women who are strong, capable and…

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everest climber

6 Inspiring Australian Women In honour of March’s celebratory ‘Women’s History Month’ just ending we thought we’d explore a little further into the adventurous, intelligent and boundary-pushing women of Australia’s past & present.   1. Edith Cowan Edith Cowan became the first woman elected as a member of Parliament in 1921. She worked tirelessly to…

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bush fires

The recent bushfire season has left many communities around Australia in a state of utter devastation. Though the worst of it is behind, there is a long road ahead before these towns are back on their feet. There are lots of ways you can do your part to support these communities as they rebuild.

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